How it works and how much it costs the surgery of increase of a member?

According to opinion polls carried out and the research has been installed, the fact that a large part of the male population is dissatisfied size of your male member. This is due to the tax the society of stereotypes and erroneous points of view and that, the larger the penis, the larger is a man of courage and dominant. Based on this, the men use to practice numerous techniques of penis enlargement.

It is the only effective method in this case, it is a surgical operation to increase the male member. Despite all of the complexity of the surgery, the only way to give 100% results, which remain throughout life. Not every man is, of course, to decide on such a move through surgery, a little bit of who knows where it can be done, as well as, how much for penis augmentation surgery.

Where do these operations?

the cost of operation to increase a member

Before you decide on the completion of an operation, a man must discover information about where you can spend that kind of operation, what are the indications and permissions, as well as, how much it costs to this service in health clinics. First, the patient should be examined by a medical practitioner who decides the feasibility of the enlargement of the penis in a surgical way, as well as the absence of counter-indications to this. It is possible to rely on a special doctor at any local clinic.

Today, the realization of such operations may involve the surgeons in private clinics of plastic surgery, as well as the doctors in urban hospitals. Depending on the type of surgery and type of hospital is also set the price of the service. For example, private clinics indicate price list prices are significantly higher than the municipal hospitals.

As you go through a surgery?

Plastic surgery-surgery of increase of a member can be done in different ways, everything depends on the desire of the patient and of the testimony of the doctor who carries out the inspection of men and evaluates the feasibility of such a step. Found that the operation is permitted, if the penis length less than 12 cm.

There are several types of operations.

This operation involves taking fat cells with the municipality of excess weight and the accumulation of, after which are placed within the penis. In rare cases, but still this happens, fat cells can, with time, dissolve.

Sometimes, the transplant charge muscle flaps, but in this technique, a larger proportion of risks. This type of operation can promise to the man by not adding more than 1 cm.

Muscle neurosurgical transplantation

The operation of increasing the head of the penis and around the penis, which promises to 3-4 cm extras, but entails a more complex specificity of events. The man dipped in general anesthesia from the abdominal wall to the cavity of the penis transplanted muscle tissue.

Prior to such an operation must pass diagnostic:

  • consultation and examination the urologist;
  • residential biochemical and common analyses of urine and blood;
  • the reviews about the warning of sexually transmitted infections;
  • post consultation of a specialist anesthesiologist.

10 hours for this type of operation is important, nothing to eat and not to drink. The muscle mass of transplantation, there are a number of contraindications, namely:

  • deflection in the psyche;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • the poor clotting of the blood.

Surgery of increase of a member

as you go through a surgery

Before starting the operation, the patient is placed under general anesthesia (rarely do spinal anaesthesia when intolerance the first option). The surgeon performs the dissection suspensory ligament member, which attach to the bones of the pelvis.

With the increase of this ligament increases, respectively, and the length of the member. After dissecting the doctor can take out the hidden piece of the penis, after the cut sutured.

The installation of the prosthesis

Complicated and time-consuming procedure for the expert, which is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor makes the incision, opening the access to the spongy body of the penis of a man, after there is inserted into the tool.

Modern medical practice offers several types of implants:

  • the prosthesis is inflatable;
  • plastic implant with accuracy;
  • disc prosthesis (now place each time less and less).

Such operation is more heavy and long, but she decorates the best results for increasing the length of the penis.

This is dangerous?

In fact, any surgical intervention on the human body entails certain risks, dangers and hazards. The same can be said about the operation of the increase of the penis, which can lead to complications. In the first place, the man may not like to an aesthetic appearance of the penis, after suffering an intervention. In the second place, these operations may cause a series of complications, such as, for example:

  • hematoma and bleeding;
  • fever;
  • scars and not the aesthetic appearance;
  • the infection through open wounds;
  • temporary, a long and complete the inability of a man;
  • emotional disorders and injuries;
  • the necrosis or resorption of the tissue;
  • the low sensitivity of the penis or its absence;
  • blood clots in the area of the member;
  • offbeat angle during erection.

Before starting the operation technician is required to familiarize the patient with the risk of the onset of such complications, warning the man in advance. Only then can evaluate how appropriate the operation.

How much does it cost?

The cost of operation to increase the penis can be radically different, depending on the policy of prices and the type of hospital. As a general rule, private clinic can result in great waste, but to give the patient the best conditions for the carrying out of operations and rehabilitation after. But , on average, for the realization of operations required to pay 200-1200 of thousands of dollars.

surgery of increase of a member

The installation of the prosthesis may require other more significant cost 5,000 thousands of dollars, depending on the type of implant, the choice of the clinic and of the place. The prosthesis, on average, can cost a man 2-12 thousands of dollars. The increase by means of lipofilling will require cost in the amount of 4500 billion, while the cost of transplantation muscle is 2000-4000 thousands of dollars.